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My New Year's Resolutions

I know it’s pretty stereotypical to buy into this idea of New Years Resolutions. Ideally, we should have goals all year round, right? However, I’ve started this tradition on the blog where I reflect on last years resolutions, while making new ones for the upcoming year.

Last Year’s Resolution: Get my personal trainer certification

I actually did this! In fact, I got 3 certifications! I decided to get certified in personal training, nutrition, and a corrective exercise. That’s what both my day job and online business is! (Shameless self plug; I help clients form a strong relationship between fitness and food so they can get better results, and live happier, healthier lives).

This Years Resolution:

-Focus more on mindset work

This one is going to be big for me, and I’m sure for so many people. With the year we just had, we all need to reframe and refocus. So, I’m making it a priority this year to spend at least 15 minutes every day bettering my mindset, whether that be through a book, podcast, EFT Tapping, or any other kind of personal development.

Do you make New Years Resolutions? If so, what are they? Share them in the comments! Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year!

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