In these crazy times, self care has never been more important! In a time of uncertainty, we all need ways to quiet our minds. In my latest blog post, I wanted to share some of my favorite self-care activities.
1). Get enough sleep!
This goes without saying, but especially now, it’s been difficult to stick to a normal routine, especially when it comes to getting to bed at a regular time. For me, I’ve found that if I constantly stick to a regular bedtime routine, my body is much more ready for the day (even if the day consists of nothing, lol!)
2). Skincare routine
For me, because I wear a mask all day, I have to make sure I take the time to care for my skin. With all of that warm air pressed up against my face, it’s easy for me to get clogged pores and acne. I’ve always used Proactiv (which I swear by!!) but I’ve been obsessed with their new spin brush! It has 2 different speeds, and I’ve found it really help clear the dirt and oil out of my pores. (Visit their website to learn more:
3). Binge your guilty-pleasure tv show
Okay, I swore for YEARS I wouldn’t jump on The Bachelor bandwagon. Buuutt…I did it anyway. Between The Bachelor, General Hospital, Days of our Lives, and the endless selections on Amazon Prime and Netflix, I’d say I’m set, lol!
4). Turn off your phone
This one has been huge for me. It’s so easy to get caught up in the latest news, what everyone else is doing, and just how scary the world is right now. By turning off my phone, I eliminate the stress, anxiety, and worry of it all and just enjoy being in the moment.
5). Get outside
With my gym being indefinitely closed, I’ve had to get creative with my workouts! One of my favorite things is getting outside to work out. Aside from the physical aspect, the fresh air does wonders for my well-being.
What are the ways you’re taking care of yourselves? Share your thought below!