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My Night Routine

I have many mornings that start anywhere between 2:30-4:30am. Because of this, I’ve learned the importance of getting enough sleep to even be able to function that early in the morning. Between technology, social media, and everything else, it can be difficult to wind down at night. I thought I’d share my evening routine, that usually gets me to sleep and prepares me for my early day ahead.

1). Hot shower with low lighting

For me, this is what really sets the tone for the rest of my night. A hot shower with little to no lighting is the perfect way to de-stress and unwind. If it’s been a particularly long day, I have this great body wash I like to use:

2). Homemade dinner

Nothing says comfort like a good homemade dinner! Lately, one of my favorites has been this sweet potato chilli recipe. The great thing about this particular recipe is it’s something I can make in the slow cooker ahead of time, so there’s little to no prep work by the time dinner rolls around. (Curtesy of Mary Beth Evans, of course. Find it here:

3). Self care

Anyone who knows me knows that once a week, I do an at-home spa night. However, if it’s been a stressful day, I like to do a little something for myself, whether it’s a foot scrub and fuzzy socks, or a face mask. I notice I feel so much better if I make that little bit of extra effort for myself.

4). Catching up on General Hospital/Days of our Lives

I knoe what you’re thinking, “Really, Alex? Soap operas?” Yes; soap operas. These are the only 2 shows I watch, and I love being able to end my day with them.

5). Emergen-zzz

Emergen-zzz is the nighttime version of Emergen-C. It’s loaded with vitamins, as well as melatonin to help you sleep. Putting it in a cute mug never hurts, either.

How do you relax and unwind at the end of a long day?

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