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Living a Hygge Spring

I’ve always been someone who’s loved all things calming, relaxing, and bringing the beauty of the outdoors inside all year round! For those of you who’ve never heard of the term hygge, it’s a danish word that essentially refers to things that are cozy, relaxing, and creating a peaceful environment around you. So, with the spring season upon us, I wanted to share how I find these things, and incorporate them into my day.

1). Decorate with fake flowers

Fake flowers are a great way to incorporate nature into your home! You can find them at any craft store, and cut them to fit into any vase you have. And, they make you so happy whenever you see them!

2). Drink your coffee/tea outside

The weather is absolutely gorgeous this time of year, and I love sitting outside either in the morning or evening. I love listening to a good podcast or audiobook while I’m there as well!

3). Open Your Windows

Fresh air in my house is probably my favorite thing! I absolutely love being able to open the windows and let the sunshine and fresh air in.

4). Get Outdoors during the day

Even if it’s just a quick walk during your lunch break, there’s something so reinvigorating about getting outside! And, with everyone being home as much as we are right now, it’s also a great change of scenery.

Do any of these inspire you? If so, let me know in the comments! And, if you’re a fellow hygge fan like myself, what habits do you like to incorporate into your day?

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