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My 5 Must-Have Apps

It seems like these days, everyone has a smartphone. The younger generation knows nothing else, and the older generation is trying to adapt to it as best they can. Regardless of your age group, I KNOW we all have our favorite apps we use on a daily basis. In this week’s blog post, I decided to share my favorite apps with you!

1). Google Calendar

Ya’ll. I would be completely lost without my calendar! The thing I love about Google Calendar is it automatically syncs with my email, so I never forget to add any important events.

2). Instagram

I know, I know, how stereotypical for a millennial to say they love Instagram. Although I conduct most of my business through social media, I love being able to connect with other people, especially fellow bloggers!

3). My Fitness Pal

I use this app to track what I eat every day. Although calories are never 100% accurate, it does give me an idea of how much I’m eating, as well as how my food corresponds with my workouts.

4). Twitter

Listen, as a soap opera watcher, you KNOW I have to keep up with soap twitter! One of the things I love most is the lovely S&K Twitter group I get to be a part of. (They’re the best!)

5). Breethe

This is a meditation app, that I swear by! I wind down with it every night, and it’s amazing! There’s a free version that gives you some of the content, as well as a subscription option.

What are your favorite apps at the moment? Share them below!

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